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About Us

Thank you for your interest in our school.

Our school provides a purpose-built teaching and learning environment with excellent facilities, including a hydrotherapy/swimming pool, specialist music, food technology, soft play and sensory rooms, and a beautiful sensory garden.

We have designated classrooms for pupils with autism, severe learning difficulties, and profound and multiple learning difficulties. Additionally, group rooms are available for individual or paired classes.

For pupils with autism, we offer six designated classes and two autism bases (infant and junior) with individual rooms for optimal learning. There is also a sensory circuit.

We have a resource base for pupils with profound and multiple learning difficulties, providing opportunities for the MOVE (Mobility Opportunities Via Education/Experience) program objectives and rebound therapy.

Pupils are grouped in classes according to age within the Early Years Foundation Stage/infant and junior phases. Each class has a teacher, a higher level teaching assistant or Senior Nursery Nurse, and teaching assistants.

The school day for children is from 9:15 am until 3:30 pm.

A wide range of therapists, including speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and music therapists, provide support for pupils and expert guidance for staff. Education and health professionals work closely together to meet each child’s complex needs. We also work in partnership with our allocated Educational Psychologist.

Our school maintains a welcoming, calm, purposeful, and positive atmosphere, with a strong emphasis on positive behaviour management. We prioritise developing pupil self-confidence and self-esteem and celebrate success, progress, and achievement.

We also focus on teaching mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, as well as those without faith. Our school community embraces many cultural backgrounds, and the development of an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures is an integral part of the curriculum.

We have a democratically elected School Council that represents the pupil's voice and instigates initiatives within the school, including contributions to the local food bank and fundraising for charities.

Safeguarding is a top priority for us, and we work closely with other agencies to promote the welfare of our pupils and protect them from harm.